I recently picked up some of the MOTUC figures. It made me get really nostalgic and I decided I needed to make my favourite character from the Filmation series:
The Sorceress
I really wanted a classic animated Sorceress as I couldn't really understand the Egyptian influence on her design from the newer series. I also didn't like that the new Sorceress put up with He-Man's transformation in that new series. All those lights exploding out her doors and windows. She could've been on the toilet or anything and suddenly, "By the Power of..." and she gets blinded, takes a spill and gets found with her kecks down the next day by bloomin' Orko.
At least the old Sorceress had the decency to go to bed in full make-up with her bird hat still on (see the Secret of the Sword). Now THAT'S class.
Anyway, where am I? Ah yes...
Teela-Na here is made from MOTUC Adora. I don't have any WIP shots or anything as... well no excuse really. Just couldn't be arsed.
Her wings are from X-men Classic Bird of Prey Angel. The wings extend much further than they did in the cartoon as I wanted them to be a little bit more impressive and less like a granny shawl. Speaking of granny fashions though, Adora's big knickers certainly came in handy to make the feathery skirt thing! I added some sculpted wings on her back that fold in and out to fill in the gaps between where the wings end at her elbows and her main body (just to preserve the effect of it being a cape thing she's wearing).
Everything else was sculpted.
I did add ML Spider-Woman's out of scale hands so that the Sorceress had more appropriate gestures. This also added another point of articulation to her wrist.
Anyway, hope you like her.
Man-at-Arms and the Sorceress may look like star crossed lovers here, but they're actually in telepathic commune, figuring out ways to further live in denial that they had it off with each other and neither of them is overly fond of the arrogant spawn.